Classifieds in Cherthala, Kerala
- 190 Cars
- 238 Car parts
- 58 Bicycles
- 412 Motorcycles and parts
- 24 Kids’ products & Toys
- 7 Baby Carriages
- 79 Clothes
- 8 Garden & House
- 151 Furniture
- 47 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 142 Computers and parts
- 46 TV games & PC games
- 10 Movies & Music
- 82 Audio and video
- 91 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 246 Books
- 124 Pets and animals
- 46 Hobbies & Collectors
- 71 Music instruments
- 122 Sport

Rs 2,000
I want to sell this helmet it have not used
I want to sell this helmet it have not used original bullet helmet
Rs 7,000
Black Digital Projector& bluetooth speaker
Brand new , one week usedBlack Digital led Projector& bluetooth speaker
Rs 38,000
Snow Land Siberian Husky Puppies
Husky Show Quality
Blood Lineage Parents Puppies
Can You Whats Up Me :96111,54078
Rs 5,000
House boat cruise, at Allappey
One bed room houseboat
Contact: nine four four six nine four six four six one
To know about cruise packages and rates.
Rs 40,000
2011 Hero Honda Karizma 41000 Kms
New front tyre ,new back tyre , new exide battery all service done showroom service no complaints perfect condition
Rs 320,000
2012 Mahindra Verito diesel 155000 Kms
Taxi vehicle,Verito d2, good condition ,test done ,new insurance,pioneer speaker sets .price Slightly negotiable...
Rs 8,500
Asus CPU 4Gb Ram& Intel Processor
Asus CPU 4Gb Ram& Intel Processor
Clocked at 2.6 Ghz.Intel HD Graphics,Mint Condition
Rs 55,000
Yamaha FZ v2 42000 Kms 2015 year
Perfect Condition, mileage near 50kmpl, Serviced every 3000kms, 2.5 years warranty coverage period left, Tyres and...
Rs 22,000
Assembeled pc for sale
PC for sale :
Intel core i3
Chanel single
Rs 50,000
Brand new i phone 7 8 months with warranty 50000
Brand new i phone 7 8 months with warranty 50000 price negotiatable
Rs 38,000
Snow Land Siberian Husky Puppies
Husky Show Quality
Blood Lineage Parents Puppies
Can You Whats Up Me :96111,54078
Rs 400
Mavis 500 Badminton Nylon Shuttlecock Container Unboxed
Mavis 500 Badminton Nylon Shuttlecock Container
In good condition
Rs 4,000
Black And Green SMK Full-face Helmet
Urgent sale .3 month old Black And Green SMK Full-face Helmet
Rs 38,000
Snow Land Siberian Husky Puppies
Husky Show Quality
Blood Lineage Parents Puppies
Can You Whats Up Me :96111,54078
Rs 57,000
Yamaha FZ v2 40500 Kms 2015 year
Perfect Condition, mileage near 50kmpl, Serviced every 3000kms, 2.5 years warranty coverage period left, Tyres and...
Rs 30,000
Ten Round Coins
Old coins collection
25 paise(1982)
10 paise(1988)
1 paise(1962)
Old chakkram coin
Rs 8,000
Raymond black suite
Used only once for farewell.
One year old.
Original price:13000
Selling because i have no use of it.
Rs 10,500
Akrapovic exhaust bought from delhi customs used
Akrapovic exhaust bought from delhi customs used for 20 days
Price negotiable
Please, only interested people contact